I learned a bit watching utube. Liam Clancy said to Bob Dylan after about 30 pints of Guinness,"Remember Bob, no fear, no envy, no meaness." I agree with Dylan, pretty profound.
If you have a keen eye for detail, you will notice the exhaust coming from both vehicles. After having been in the snow for an extended period, the cars started on the first crank. Not too bad for a pair of late eighties. "We build excitement."
Echoes for today; Aunt Pat-"You can't rest unless you work", Uncle Paul-"I'm just going to sweat out my craziness", Phil-"Mental illness is just bad manners." and last but not least, " For a difference to be a difference, it has to make a difference." Uncle Mike, aka "The King"or "Windwalker", is having his 70th birthday on Saturday. There will be a party at the Moose Club. I'm expecting a blowout of the Bilbo Baggins destroyer class.
When visiting Hope and Bill in Mindin City, I pushed through the door surprised to see them both sitting at the table eating apples. Talking about apples in general and those in the barrel in particular, I discovered that they looked at the exercise in a different way. I always assumed that a person would eat the worst apples first so that less would spoil. They held the opposite opinion. Eat the best ones first. Let those that perish, perish.
I woke up last night thinking about idioms. Reading Mary Karr's book Liar's Club, I came across many fine tuned phrases, as she is a very good writer. She says about her mother, "She transcended thrift" even when in poverty. Brother Mike, when he is talking about dying, uses the phrase "Hitting the wall." To me this has a very cartoon, picturesque, quality to it that I enjoy. The posted picture is me leaning on a manure spreader.
Some have questioned the presence of a ancient steam tractor in the previous post. T.S. Eliot would say, "Words strain, crack and sometimes break, under the burden, under the tension, slip, slide, perish, decay with imprecision, will not stay in place, will not stay still." Visuals often do not labor under the same difficulty.