Week 32Bats: 0 Outpost: 2
Before daybreak, the bat population suffered another expulsion from the Outpost which makes them 0-2 this week. I have accidently stumbled on a better end game. Old technique - upon hearing one flying in the living room, I would wake up, open the door to the outside, close doors to other rooms, get my broom, stand on the balcony and attempt to shepard them to the open door, and escape. They love to fly in circles which works in their favor. The contest is getting them outside before they disappear. New technique varies in the last phase of the contest. Now I don't stand on the balcony, but rather on the living room floor, work on bringing the bat to the floor, and then sweeping it outside. If the homeowner wins, it is called a clean sweep, and the series is over. After daybreak, I again look for their entry points, but only in the daylight, and without much success.