My arrival in Keego-Tampa prompted the remark, "You look like you just stepped out of a wind tunnel!" Well I know by now that I also need a haircut. Again, I'm behind the eight ball, shaggy hair, dirty clothes, and a cupboard that's bare.
I get to the barber shop but it is closed for lunch. I return ten minutes before it is scheduled to reopen, and there are already two people ahead of me. Looks like a little waiting time is the order of the day.
The barber asks me an immediate question. "I'm taking a survey. Did you watch the debate last night or the Tigers baseball game?" What an easy survey, only one question!
I already know the political stripe of the barber, but the other two guys are unknowns. My response is simple. "After all this time, I can believe that there are a group of undecided people still out there" The guy in the chair comments, "I'm for Obama because of the pell grants." The barber says, "I'm for freedom". I don't bite as I already know this code reflects abstractions in the body politic.
I voice my support for our President. The big guy across from me with the leather hat puts down the paper and walks out of the shop. The barber adds, "Well, I guess he doesn't like to talk politics." He never said a single word, but now I'm next in line.