Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Comments @ Large

Looking for music on uTube, I have been really surprised at some of the comments that I have read by fans about the music. Many folks slam one another, drop F bombs, and show little appreciation for the gift. A couple of days back, I was blown away with this comment by GivenTheOdds, about a Dylan song (Visions of Johenna) sung by Marianne Faithful. This is a song I love, but I don't think anyone has ever captured in one sentence its essence. "Few peers would even know how to approach such riddle and cryptic metaphor galore." I still love Dylan's version better, but being a big Marianne fan, this version is enjoyable without comment.


TiffanyBerry said...

Love the video dad, and the fact that you dropped the phrase "F-bomb" without using the actual term. but knew to refer said term. Here's to peeps (that's people) using 'F-Bombs' and my dad referring to said peeps. cheers!

TQ said...

The comment landscape is littered with the craters of these "F-bombs" that shatter the dialogue.

ColleenQ said...

What's the slang like in St. Petersburg, comrade?

Erin Q. Hartman said...

I feel the same way...often people feel the need to be negative. It is a strange concept to me. I hated that book, or what awful writing, Can't they just say, it isn't their taste ? and leave it at that?

TQ said...

Colleen, Mostly we use winter jargon to think of new ways to say not only how cold it is, but that we can't believe how deep the snow is this year. We have lots of competition with Kiev because that is where a lot of Macintosh programers work.

Erin, If the critics knew what they we're talking about, and how to express themselves, then they would be adding something to the mix. Positive additions are welcome in the field.

Anonymous said...

Tony, wow, you are the only person I know besides my guy and myself that like M.Faithfull! She is sooo world weary and knowing. She was in a movie we saw where she is a grandma turned sex worker to raise money for her grandson's operation.outrageous!And I agree with comments...so cowardly to rip people with the cloak of of the internet to conceal identity.grrr

TQ said...

D: Another cool thing about Marianne, she has been great at every stage of her career. To me, she rode the crest and never lost the wave. Been there and back. I can't fathom how anyone could spend that extended time "along the wall" but she survived and then prevailed.