Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spontaneous Generation

When I raced to get my camera, the little buggers booked, as I quietly sneaked around the house, and the storm door closed behind me. The only remains are the snow slide fashioned by three river otters on the island. What did they do besides cavort?
Skip, dance, romp, jig, caper, frisk, play/horse around, gambol, prance, frolic, lark; bounce, trip, leap, jump, bound, spring, hop; roughhouse, rollick all in an afternoon.


Tony said...

Colleen, sorry but your comment was lost in another Time Storm. Indeed, I believe that it was river otters. Blew me away! In some ways more surprising than the eagle in the yard.

Anonymous said...

Otters are so cool. I have always wanted to see them up close and in the wild. I am jealous.
