Thursday, April 07, 2011

Fashion a quote

Maureen Dowd, in her piece on fashion, quotes a master. Bill Cunningham: " You see, if you don't take money, they can't tell you what to do, kid. ...Money's the cheapest thing. Liberty, freedom is the most expensive."


Anonymous said...

This video is great and may one of the best in what I call "post industrial" folk music-- ref the rock group that does themes on Butte MT copper industry, now defunct like the Pittsburgh steel industry. Anaconda MT is just Pittsburgh, down the line in the loosely integrated metals industry of the past, and to the left geographically. Good pick- you have an ear for these things-- can you develop this theme? You are, after all, a former assembly line guy.

Tony said...

Anon: Thanks for the compliment. Glad you enjoyed it.
You are right on, I hope the theme can be developed, all I need is the source material. Woody Guthrie has a ton in this line, but is he on uTube?