The man who was defeated in the millennia election has been working to solve one of the Earth's biggest problems, global warming. I liked Al Gore before, but now I have to say that he is truly a winner. The natural cycle, supersedes the news cycle, in spite of the prime time cycle. What has George W. been up to recently?
Hollah! Mada'in Saleh
7 years ago
I like your style dad. Good way to call a buster out. You're keepin it realz. Patrick Rick Collins, status you're achieving!
George W. is probably making millions along with his oil buddies,hoping those same oil companies's tax breaks will continue,and breathing a sigh of relief that is is out of a job that was over his head!Dee
TT: moving forward
Dee: That is a good way to put it. He was over his head anyway.
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