The post office announced that it will soon run out of money. One cost cutting measure announced is shutting down half of of the distribution sites and laying off 100,000 employees. As a consequence of these moves, first class mail would then be slower. I like first class mail as it is now and thought of some other ways to save money. Americans in general are impatient, and it might be time to slow some things down. Why do we need Saturday mail? Anybody with a job should be able to make a living working five days a week anyway. First class mail is a bargain so good that it can subsidize junk mail. Why not have junk mail pay its own way? Perhaps a positive spin off of this movement would then be a cleaner environment, more trees, and less junk mail to boot!
Hollah! Mada'in Saleh
7 years ago
Now you're thinking like an environmentalist! Federal insurance plans didn't even get mailed this year - we have to go online to choose to gamble/not to gamble.
I bet if one figured out the cost of the internet to pay bills, it would be a lot more expensive to transfer funds electronically than to use a first class stamp to accomplish the same task. Might even be less draw on the environment.
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