Thursday, April 19, 2012

Eyes Have It

I went yesterday for an eye exam. Since it has been about three years, I figured it was time. Two very nice people helped me in my effort to see farther down the road. When the doctor was finishing up, I related my favorite three stooges skit to him. Larry, Moe and Curley barge into a dentist office. The patient is in the chair with his mouth braced open. Curley looks at the hardware in his mouth and says, "You're eyes are bad, they will have to come out." The doctor's back is turned to me as I relate tale, but he says to me, "I'll have to use that some time."
Then, the lady fitting my glasses, keeps gently suggesting that I pick something more modern for my frames. This continued for a while until I made my basic philosophic point, "People expect more of you when you are in style." She laughed and let me go in my own backward style.

1 comment:

TiffanyBerry said...

I just love this Dylan song!