Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Easter Edge

It always felt like the third dimension when the staff would get together to hammer out our mission statement. I, the Unbeliever, would always say, if you don't know why you are coming to school, you should have a different job. Teachers teach.
Paging through the Economist revealed another mission sense that has its place in todays world even though it was written in 1843---
To take part in a "Severe contrast between intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing our progress." Clarity, if nothing else.
My mission is to leave Michigan. Perhaps it is the severe contrast between a full blown winter storm and the Easter season that has me on edge.


Tiffany said...

True poet. That Mr. Waits.

ColleenQ said...
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ColleenQ said...

I'll be you travel lighter than you think...some equipment, computers and some sporty sandals and one of those fieros and you should be ready to head south.

Barb said...

Mission Statement that is a laugh. In order for it to be worth it it needed to be followed. Was it ever???

TQ said...

Mission Statements leave a lot to be desired.

TQ said...

Colleen: I'm a lot closer today then I was yesterday.