Walking the wilderness trail yesterday, I little knew what treat lay in store. An owl moved along in the trees just ahead of me. It seemed we were connected and that was good.
Looking out the clean river window for the last couple of weeks, I have seen so many pretty yellow and red birds that I wonder why I haven't paid more attention to them in the past. Raising consciousness is additive magic.
Heretofore, the birds that I noticed were on the road in the right hand lane and barely escaped with their fame. Have birds been getting slower over time? The counterpoint to this argument is the eagle that swooped in front of my truck for some road kill. Nothing was slowing this boy down!
Long ago, a friend of mine went to the barber to get his hair cut.
Nonchalant- hot from the summer sun, he failed to realize his transgression. The barber, a man from a different time, noticed it immediately-he was fully launched when Mike turned the doorknob to step into the shop.
"What are you doing in here wearing a t-shirt and drinking pop?!
Blindsided, Mike's response, "Getting a haircut." Not good enough for the owner/operator, "Oh, no you're not, get out of here with your lack of respect." A twist of bitter would be, as William T. expressed it in another field, "If you can't cut 'er, you can't stay."
I just finished Terry Brook's novel, a Measure of Magic. Really great! The first chapter begins with a character from left field, the Rag Picker who makes up little verses while he works, picking up rags of course.
There were no Hobbits in the story, but somehow it brought to my mind this question. How did Hobbits make that special food that nourished them on all of those long trips? Some sort of bread I suppose. So I put my own ingredients together. If I combined corn meal with whole wheat flour, would I be able to travel a far distance? The jury is out- experiment incomplete-none the less, I have high hopes.
I picked up some equipment today to clean my windows. It wasn't nearly as expensive as I had imagined. Why had I waited so long?
Anyhow, my bird neighbors were not in favor of this radical move.
Both parents flew in as close as they dared, to check my work sooooo.... close to their nest. No harm was done, except that I can now see better with my glasses on.