Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Brother Mike and I were talking about how sometimes we hoard our medicine. Don’t really use it as much as we could.  When we talked about this aberration we agreed it was foolish but still did it.
After brother Paul and I visited Mike in the hospital on Christmas Day we got into an odd conversation of sorts too.  I was telling Paul that he could use his phone to help him do the accounting for his painting business and the conversation quickly moved into budgeting in general.
Paul lives to some degree on the financial edge and isn’t inclined to budget much whereas I tend to the extreme opposite. An example of this would be me trying to pay my house off at all costs after I retired.

Then Paul made the statement that is a paradox but true in an odd sort of way, “Ten dollars means more to you than it does me.”

"Mere parsimony is not economy. Expense, and great expense, may be an essential part in true economy."     Edmund Burke

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