"He drew a circle that shut me out--
Heretic, a rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle that took him in!"
Edwin Markham
... I need to make a call.
Neither the flowers or owls are authentic, but together they look quite natural.
In Mei Fong's book, "One Child: The Story of China's Most Radical Experiment", she explains some of the major dislocations this policy caused which are still being worked out through the present generation. Because the cultural revolution was taking place during the initiation of this change, the government only trusted the scientific community. So, guess what...a rocket scientist was put in charge. In my little town the expression to explain that something is very easy is to say, "It doesn't take a rocket scientist." Apparently that isn't the case for human behavior.
The heart of a road machine!
Colleen woke up this morning half way around the world continuing her great adventure. Living in the desert will be an entirely new experience for her. She did say Rome wasn't that far away by air so the future looks bright for a world traveler.
This is one of the texts she sent me this morning. "We walked out to our tiny back yard, and there were four cats waiting for us, haha!"
Hope always seemed to have that metaphysical quality. Not because she could spot spirits, but the ability to forecast the end of events. When she told fortunes it was always in fun and she would dismiss her ability, but when they rang true you just knew, she understood much more then she would ever convey.
It would be a good idea for me to start taking travel notes as to not repeat the same mistakes. Arrived in Elizabethan after a fourteen hour trip. The (GPS) confirmed that it was really set to be a twelve hour jaunt.
When I turned off the interstate, I made the first mistake which turned out to be costly with both time and energy. I depended on the GPS instead of my AAA maps.
I was drawn into two unnecessary states needed to arrive at my destination. Virginia, and state of mind that didn't question the GPS and its choice of endless, rural, two lane switchbacks, in the mountains of Kentucky.
My errors were compounded on my return trip as I again relied on my GPS. When I pressed the home button, it couldn't resist routing me through the adjacent state of Indiana. I've been down that road before on the long way home.