Thursday, February 04, 2016

Tennessee Wrap

It would be a good idea for me to start taking travel notes as to not repeat the same mistakes. Arrived in Elizabethan after a fourteen hour trip. The (GPS) confirmed that it was really set to be a twelve hour jaunt.

When I turned off the interstate, I made the first mistake which turned out to be costly with both time and energy. I depended on the GPS instead of my AAA maps. 

I was drawn into two unnecessary states needed to arrive at my destination. Virginia, and state of mind that didn't question the GPS and its choice of  endless, rural, two lane switchbacks, in the mountains of Kentucky.

My errors were compounded on my return trip as I again relied on my GPS. When I pressed the home button, it couldn't resist routing me through the adjacent state of Indiana. I've been down that road before on the long way home.


ColleenQ said...

Know thyself. That's why I became a platinum Marriott member, because getting lost isn't nearly as bad if you have a place to sleep.

Tony said...

Exactly, Colleen! I arrived late at this conclusion, but a place to stay changes everything!