Friday, March 18, 2016

Good Turn on Time

Sometime this week, a tree fell from the public landing across      
the fence and was perched precariously close to the power line going into my house. Couldn't get my chainsaw started which was quite fortuitous since I'm not very good with it anyway. This event called for more skill than I could provide.

I thought, why not go to the DNR and see if they could take care of it since it was really their tree. In the past, I've always taken care of these situations myself especially when storm damage blocked my driveway. Time for a different approach.

They were very nice when I reported it and said they would take care of it. Well the next day, as I'm driving down the road, I passed a pickup truck with a state seal tattooed on its door. I turned around and went back to the landing and talked to the the guy. I showed him the tree and he said that he would handle it Sunday. It seems the state doesn't allow employees to operate a chainsaw unless there are two people present. Good safety rule I say! 


ColleenQ said...

OSHA has their grubby little hands in everything, I say. The bigger question: why the heck are chainsaw operators for the DNR working Sundays?!

Tony said...

I asked him the same question. He said he gets three days off in the middle of the week. My guess is that he is pro schedule.