It appears that some new governors are looking for a quick reset of financial burdens for the Great Lakes States, i.e. in Michigan, the plan is to begin taxing pensions, and give business a break for an equal amount. Wisconsin's governor wishes to disable the public service unions. Ohio's governor has a similar plan.
I don't mind paying more taxes to fix a problem, but businessmen don't wake in the morning with the thought of creating more jobs, but rather how can I make more money. Less taxes are more money.
Herber Hoover was a great human being, and a President. After 1929, he would call national business leaders together to the White House and have "Non-business meetings" weekly. Nobody knew what to do with the world wide depression, but our country naturally looked to the capitalist.
Hoover was a self made man, high achiever, limited by his own success. In this situation, it reminds me of what Steven Jobs said, " In most cases, strengths and weaknesses are both sides of the same coin. A strength in one situation is a weakness in another, yet often the person can't switch gears. It is a very subtle thing to talk to strengths and weaknesses because almost always they're the same thing."
Businessmen cannot solve problems they themselves create. Instead of dealing with the source of the difficulty, some new Republican governors are turning from red to gray.
Hollah! Mada'in Saleh
7 years ago
Time to pack up and move to the Island? St. George, that is...
CQ: That sounds like a great place to be, but it appears that I have missed the boat.
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