Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kangaroo Footnote

Perchance yesterday, at Tammy's Used Books, I picked up a copy of Jimmy Buffett's, "A Pirate Looks at Fifty". I was absorbed past the midnight hour. Jimmy has a bag of great ideas of living life to its fullest. He buys seaplanes, sails ships, and sings for a living, amongst other things. When he went to Costa Rica with his family, a lot of time was spent at the mountain waterfall. Colleen sent me some up to date information on the Bounder's where a bouts. The juxtaposition of these two pieces of information was all I needed to take the plunge. Prometheus Bounder!


ColleenQ said...

First stop: Margaritaville?

(the Cold War would have been much shorter with the faceplate).

Tony said...

Colleen: I have to agree. Faceplate has its place in our digital age. Without the forwarding information that you provided, even a GPS couldn't have helped me. Bounder did need to move to show off its true beauty.

Barb said...

Love Jimmy Buffit. Great music and memories. Beaches, warm weather and cool drinks. Way to live