Sunday, December 12, 2010

Procrastination Payoff

The Hindus say that life is the making and breaking of habits. The most efficient and effective method for me to achieve either of these ends in speech therapy was behavior modification. At last count it had 10 steps, but who's counting. Self conditioning does have its limits though. A missing component is some method to psyche yourself up when you are faced with difficult situations. In the reading of Dune, I discovered this litany that has proved very effective. See what you think.

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

After weeks of postponing my trip to the laundry mat, I finally went early Sunday morning after church. There wasn't a single customer there, and I had all of the machines to myself. Perhaps the raging snow storm kept them home, I'm not sure.


TiffanyBerry said...

I tried reading Dune, and made it to the third page. But I do love that quote! Maybe I'll just pick up the cliff notes on the book?

Erin Q. Hartman said...

Perhaps it is time for me to pick up a real book like Dune? I hate names that don't let me know if it is over my head or not.. Dune.. confuses me!
But I will give it a whirl.

TiffanyBerry said...

Not over your head EQ but with a name like Dune, I have a feeling there might be sand involved!

TQ said...

Tiffany: Therein lies the magic
Erin: Dune isn't over your head at all, and I suspect the impact will stay with you a lifetime. It is that good of a book!

Anonymous said...

Fear is a mind-killer indeed. I once helped a woman in the grip of a panic attack(I was desperate,no drugs on hand)by wrapping my arms around her and commanding her to picture and face her fear. It seemed to help...D

TQ said...

D: It was really a good thing that you were there. It is amazing what one person can do to help another, if they are willing.