Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Still Life

Post Solstice woke sunny and warm. With extra daylight on my hands, now seemed like a good time to create a still life. Not having the traditional fruit or wooden bowl, I decided to use the materials at hand.


Kathleen said...

This is great. You always make me smile :)

TQ said...

I have been admiring still life for years. They aren't near as complicated as I thought.

Anonymous said...

Love the wooden "beer case"! Apparently "still life" has more than one meaning?

TQ said...

DHK: Joy of words, like quick silver--flash dance!

ColleenQ said...

And those Dutch painters called themselves "Masters"? Bah. Budweiser family heirlooms say much more...

(the Harry Belafonte, on the other hand, gives vivid auditory flashbacks. I was bartending at Fred's, getting home at 2 a.m., only to wake up to a hungry Patrick, your stomping/pacing boots and THIS SONG)

TQ said...

Life is made of indelible benchmarks. High points to lead us to or away. Music markers are the best.

TiffanyBerry said...

This has to be my favorite picture of ALL TIME. hands down!

TQ said...

Still life is a surprise.