Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Apple Turnover

The advent of the cell phone age left me two years in the hole. My first one, purchased for Quinlan Island Canoes, made one successful call in two years to the Glen's Market parking lot, well over two miles away. A rookie at the time, I didn't know you could make a return if they didn't work.
The next effort, downsized from the bag phone and the huge antenna, was so small I couldn't hear the ring or know how to answer without glasses. After a series of discontinued units, I moved up to the Android sphere. Pretty good phones but... As John Lennon said so many years ago.." Right to the top Johnny."
Where are we today? iPhone, after a mere four and one half years.

1 comment:

Tony said...

Colleen: No, you are not losing your mind, but your comment was lost when I reworked this post. I agreed with your idea about the picture being better. I have been working with shadows, along with commas, and this was just another opportunity.