Friday, March 11, 2011

Drop Kick Daylight

Time of year again for an almost automatic BBC ( Bad Brain Chemistry ) Day. Grasping for daylight during the winter
hours, I must now face the inevitable. As of tomorrow, time will run amuck, as the mass delusion to save daylight takes effect.
This year, I am trying a new tactic. For the first time ever, I cooked up some spaghetti. It has already passed the taste test as it is edible.


ColleenQ said...

Just Nash it out and be thankful it's just a BBC, and not a lifetime of strange, imaginary people in your background.

I'm going to take my extra daylight and stick it in the bank for a rainy day.

ColleenQ said...

And another absolutely kick ass photo - is that the sun poking through the trees on the right, or a burning limb?

Tony said...

CQ: I just love the term, "Nashing it out". That make it seem more like a contest rather than a sacrifice. Nash's imaginary friends didn't have other homes either.
Keen eye for detail, but it is not a burning limb. In fact,
I am beginning to think of it as a light corridor as I get some slick shots through that channel