Monday, July 25, 2011

One Day it Happened

In week 17, or as I am wont to say, Stardate 2011.17, the river rose and knocked out my water heater, but not my furnace. I was a lucky cat in more ways than one. One of the ways (let me count the ways, as Shakespeare would say) that fortune smiled on me was that I still had hot water in the cabin to take showers. No sweat!

Boiling water to do dishes was a pain (here I have to admit that I didn’t do them everyday), but they can pile up until nature forces your hand.

So today we do the reversal. Hot water in the main house, but no water in the cabin.

Not total victory, but today has me grinning from ear to ear!

1 comment:

Erin Q. Hartman said...

I love your insight on even dishes and having the right attitude through life.. Your the king on that.