Sometimes, in a day dream, I wish I was left handed. The French name for both the left and right hands carries a heavy connotation. Adroit, right handed: gauche left handed. That pretty much nails down the cultural bias. Every lefty I have known has stood out in my mind. I never met Jimi Hendrix, but he would fall into that category too.
Hollah! Mada'in Saleh
7 years ago
Wow, gauche seems like a cruel thing to call lefties and adroit...a great word never knew it meant righties. Isn't English so interesting, it's a mixture of so many different languages. Rmember the tv series "Story of English"? Wonder if I could get that on netflix...information junkie alert!
That was a great series! I don't know if it is available, but it sure would be a good thing to have around the house. Words are layered with so many different connections that it is like a moving puzzle laying open new possibilities.
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